Automatic lifting barrier

Technical features

Steel sheet made post, thickness 30/10th with a base 6mm thick
Steel removable door 20/10th with safety lock
Electrogalvanized ensemble with primer and epoxy lacquer (color to decide)

Round aluminum arm, 80mm diameter, 3mm thick with reflective strips
Double aluminum arm 6 meters for the BRD 800 model
Balancing through springs

Motorization by low-voltage gear motor integrated electronics allowing:

  • A gentle start and stop
  • The blocking at the end position

08B1 or 08B2 chain transmission depending on the model
Manual operation by power cut
Speed 3 or 6 seconds depending on the model
Automatic or semi-automatic control logic circuit


BRD 400
Operating time: 3 seconds
Straight arm up to 4 meters

BRD 600
Operating time: : 4 seconds
Straight arm up to 6 meters/p>

Fork support
Fork support for the arm recommended for every model

BRD 400
Operating time: : 3 seconds
Straight arm up to 4 meters

BRD 800
Operating time: : 6 seconds
Double arm 6 meters with extension

gamme fermetures
gamme fermetures
gamme fermetures

Download the documentation

If you have any question about the company, the products, the prices or the custom-made manufacturing, or if you want a quote, contact us by phone (+33 3 44 21 13 00) or email.

A well-known expertise in the manufacturing of automatic closing systems, special designs and access control systems.

19, rue du Chaudron - 60800 Fresnoy-le-Luat

+33 3 44 21 13 00