Manufacturer of industrial and commercial doors
in the Oise department
Industrial and business companies or collectivities, discover the range of motorized closing systems offered by S.A.R. With a team working in a manufacturing workshop located in the Oise department (60), you will be closely guided by our business and industrial closing system advisors.
Our range
of automatic doors
Regarding industrial closing systems, S.A.R offers a large assortment of solutions that are suitable to your activity and to your needs, thanks to a complete range of equipment aimed at improving the traffic and the security of your parking lots for your industrial, business or tertiary buildings.
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An expert in the fabrication of metal closing systems
at the North of Paris
For your projects of renovating, improving or securing your establishment (store, warehouse, factory, building open to the public), the S.A.R company is there for all your professional needs anywhere in Europe and around the world.
If you have any question about the company, the products, the prices or the custom-made manufacturing, or if you want a quote, contact us by phone (+33 3 44 21 13 00) or email.