Automatic sliding gate
Model CMAP100 self-supported

Technical features
- Sliding gate on a rail or self-supported
- Sliding panel made of a full part and a part with bars (dimension to decide)
- Alignment gantry
- Motorized gantry
- Top guide rollers
- Steel wheels diameter 200
- MCER-2 motorization with automatic unlocking (emergency operation in compliance with the NFP 25.362 norm)
- Control logic
- Safety cell detectors:
- 2 detectors 15cm from the floor
- 2 detectors 40cm from the floor
- Elastic joints
- Orange pre-signaling flashing light
- Permanent lighting
- Finish paint’s color to decide

- Automatic closing after crossing
- Semi-automatic opening / closing
- Manual remote start

If you have any question about the company, the products, the prices or the custom-made manufacturing, or if you want a quote, contact us by phone (+33 3 44 21 13 00) or email.